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What makes taskkill particularly powerful is its filtering system. The parameter /f specifies that the selected processes should be terminated forcefully while /t that all of its child processes should be terminated along with it. To terminate multiple processes at once use the following command. The process ID on the other hand allows you to select a specific process instead.

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Using the image name will kill all processes of that name. The second the process ID of the process which you get in the same way. The first refers to the image name of the program running which you get when you run tasklist on the command line or by using the Windows Task Manager. To terminate a process, you can use the following two core options:

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A good starting point is to run taskkill /? to display the help text listing all parameters that you can use. The basic command is taskkill followed by parameters. Among the many features that it supports is an option to close programs forcefully and to terminate multiple programs in a single operation.Įspecially the latter can be useful if you need to clear rogue programs on your system that spawn new processes as soon as you terminate them. Taskkill is a versatile command line tool that you can use for these purposes.

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