Why is the boss movie rated r
Why is the boss movie rated r

why is the boss movie rated r

Michelle takes Rachel to a meeting of her Dandelion (think Girl Scout) troop, where she learns, to her horror, that the girls are regularly selling cookies-at high markups, too!-without directly profiting from the effort. Newly penniless, if not newly humbled, she shows up at the Chicago apartment of her former assistant, Claire (Kristen Bell), and Claire’s tween daughter, Rachel (Ella Anderson), and the two reluctantly take her in. She’s hauled off to minimum-security prison, Stewart-style, for a few months-only to discover, upon her release, that the SEC has repossessed her assets and frozen her accounts. McCarthy plays Michelle Darnell, a self-made tycoon-think Suze Orman meets Martha Stewart meets Tony Robbins meets Tony Wonder-who, as the “47th richest person in America,” is on top of the world … until a rival gets her busted for insider trading.

why is the boss movie rated r

The latest McCarthy vehicle, The Boss, has revealed another McCarthy talent: the ability to rock a spiky mullet, as well as a series of outfits in the style of “Bedazzled Chico’s,” in a way that manages to be as dignified as it is absurd.

Why is the boss movie rated r